Sunday, May 2, 2010

Wii Fit!

Hey boils and ghouls!

OK I know its not Halloween but fuck it! OK so I start the wii fit diet workout thing. It works pretty good. So I tried it out for a day but I was able get sore from a work out. I plan on working out tonight. I printed out my application for my ride and I am going to get my ass on a bike.
Plus in efforts to staying fit me and the gang are going to be going rollerskating every Wednesday .
This is going to be a short entry since I really didn't do much and I am still doing my homework. I will say that Wii told me that I am in OBESE but I am in pretty good shape! So I need to eat right and get on my bike. Oh that and I have to clean my house.
I am still tired from dressing up in a whore of an outfit and tramped around at an art show! It was amazing. More pictures to come soon.
Oh I was thinking of doing a before and after picture! Just for motivation and fun!
OK kids time to take out the wash!